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From website crickets to 4-5 piping hot leads in their inbox, every week as standard

How SEO & CRO transformed this wedding videographers' business

An award-winning wedding videography studio, approached ZODIGITAL in 2022 with a critical issue: they were receiving zero website enquiries, growth was slow and everything was coming at a cost with a sub-par ROI.

Despite their active commitment to add fresh content to their website via case studies and informational pages, the only enquiries they seemed to receive were from paid forums, listings and social media. These enquiries were not consistent and were not always from the type of client they wanted to attract to drive the business forward.

They wanted to become the best in their area, have a glowing reputation that shines online, dominate search results and ultimately be found, trusted and invested in by their ideal clients, while they focused on producing stunning films for happy clients. 

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Our first goal was to drive more relevant & organic traffic to the website over the long term

To be considered one of the best in their field and claim a stake in the wedding film market, this business should be highly and repetitively visible.  That means should a soon-to-be married couple search anything that links this filmmaker to their needs, this studio should be appearing over and over, offering the information and high-quality service they adhere to. 


This videography studio wanted to attract couples who make a significant investment in their wedding and would want to invest in the films this studio are proud to produce. So we implemented a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategy that was both localised and aligned to the clients they wanted to attract more of.


Content was optimised and carefully crafted to position this business in such a way that both traffic and enquiries were going to be relevant and supportive of the direction of the business.

Search Engine Results were boosted and wider awareness was achieved through strategic backlinks

This wedding filmmaker has created beautiful cinematic wedding films in highly sort after wedding venues across the North of the UK. So to compliment the backlink opportunities that their presence in wedding directories present, this business reached out to the venues to discuss features.

As a result promotional wedding films feature on multiple wedding venue websites that link this wedding filmmaker to the picteresque weddings of those seeking their dream venue. The backlinks from the venues' website to the wedding videographers' site also built domain authority which helped this client to dominate the search results in their target areas.

Graph showing a continuous increase in organic traffic to a wedding filmmakers website from SEO

We turned website clicks into "Please say you have space in June 2025!"

We accompany the wedding videographer's SEO strategy with website enhancements and conversation rate optimisation tactics (CRO) to transform "clicks" into pre-qualified enquiries sitting in their inbox.


We did all this without a rebuild, redesign or burning down what was already there. Instead re-engineered the existing website to tell a story and provide the potential client with everything they'd want to be sure of before investing in their high-ticket wedding film.


Enhancing the information architecture, integrating logical onward journeys, and weaving social proof alongside appropriate call to actions throughout the story telling created an experience indicative of the quality of this studios work.


The result: Dominating Google and 4-5 pre-qualified web leads every week

As a result of the SEO & CRO work we implemented on this wedding videographer's website, they now:

  • Dominate highly relevant Google search results

  • Have a website that is engineered to activate & sell emotively

  • Publish content that speaks to the ideal client & supports the direction of their business

  • Boast a stellar online reputation; one that creates high ticket trust


But perhaps the best result of all and the one that speaks loudest is as standard this client receives 4-5 piping hot web enquiries from their ideal clients every week.



Do you want to grow your business online while you show up and deliver a five star service in real life?


ZODIGITAL gets local trades, clinics and services found and invested in online by implementing SEO and Conversion Rate Optimisation strategies with you and for you.


We implement the Found. Trusted. Invested. framework via everything we touch, be that a Power Hour through to the long term partnership.


Get in touch to benefit. Email Zoe: me on Instagram: @zoe.zodigital


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